Readers ask: How To Get Grease Out Of Taco Meat?

How do you get grease out of ground beef?

Removing Grease from the Pan

  1. Spoon the grease into a bowl. Use a large metal spoon to remove the grease in the pan.
  2. Suck up the grease with a turkey baster instead of using a spoon.
  3. Absorb the grease with paper towels for easy cleanup.
  4. Cover a bowl with tin foil and put a strainer over the bowl.

Why is my taco meat so greasy?

Too much fat and your tacos are overly greasy. The meat has enough fat to make it juicy and flavorful, yet it’s not overly greasy, plus you will drain the grease out of the pan after it cooks.

How do you remove excess grease from meat?

You can remove fat by rinsing it off the ground beef. Transfer the ground beef crumbles to a strainer. Heat water until it begins to simmer, but not until it’s boiling rapidly. Pour the water over the ground beef to help whisk away fat.

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Can you cook the fat out of ground beef?

The short answer is, “ Yes! ” There are others factors to keep in mind, as well. “Cooking and draining ground beef significantly reduces fat and calorie content,” Dr. Garden-Robinson said.

Do you Season ground beef before or after draining?

The higher fat content gives much better flavor to the taco meat and helps it stay juicy. And you will drain the grease off the ground beef prior to adding the spices in the homemade taco seasoning.

What can I do with leftover beef grease?

Here are a few convenient ways to do that:

  1. Pour the grease into an old vegetable or soup can. You can store it in the freezer and then discard on trash day.
  2. Let the grease harden in a bowl (lined with foil, if you like).
  3. Mop up the cooled grease with paper towels.
  4. You can also reuse ground beef grease for cooking later!

How do you get grease off a sauce top?

Slide your hand into an oven mitt or grab a kitchen towel to protect your hand. Grasp the handle or the edge of the pot and tip the pot to the side so all the fat pools in one area. Skim the fat from the top of the sauce using a large, flat spoon. Spoon the fat into a smaller bowl to discard later.

Do you drain ground beef for sloppy joes?

Cook beef in large skillet over medium-high heat 7 minutes or until crumbled and no longer pink, stirring occasionally; drain. Stir in Sloppy Joe sauce; heat through.

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Why is hamburger meat so greasy?

The external surface of the meat may get crusty which can retain internal moisture. It’s oily because you bought chuck the cheapest and fattiest ground beef they ususally make. It has the potential to make for a flavorful meal, as long as it’s used correctly.

Do you drain ground beef when making tacos?

After you’ve finished boiling the ground beef, you’ll need to drain it. To avoid letting any fat or grease fall down the drain of your sink, set up a strainer inside of a large bowl. Pour the pot of boiled beef through the strainer, and the bowl will catch the grease.

Should you strain taco meat?

Sure, it may get rid of some of the fat. But I want that fat in the recipe – fat is flavor. I’m draining all the juices that escaped the meat – that’s even more flavor down the drain. If you worry about fat, buy leaner ground beef.

How do you remove excess oil from food?

Perhaps the most obvious solution is to spoon that fat right out of there! Towards the end of the cooking process the fat will often gather at the top of your dish. You can also periodically use a spoon or ladle to gently spoon out this oil and discard it. Use the ice-cube trick.

How do you degrease a sauce?

Refers to the process of removing the fat from the surface of a sauce, soup, or stew. This may be accomplished by using a spoon or a bulb baster to suck the fat off the surface.

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How do you remove excess oil from fried food?


  1. Layer the bottom of your bowl with the bread (while your food is in the oil).
  2. When your food is crispy and ready for your belly, just take it out of the oil and place it on top of the bread.
  3. The bread absorbs all the excess oil and fats. It works like a dream.

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